Lemon Drip

Lemon Drip

Citrus-loving cannabis enthusiasts around the world have been raving about Lemon Drip. This is a sensational new strain from Exotic Genetix, entering the market as an immediate title contender. This sativa-dominant strain emerges from the highly respected lineage of Lemon Tree and Grease Monkey, and as a result, not only looks and smells the part, but feels divine.

With its high THC content, expect Lemon Drip to deliver a significant, stimulating slap to the chops, which leaves you in a state of giddy excitement. Indeed, Lemon Drip will send even the most seasoned smokers to the realm of a cerebral spectacular. Take the trip, and enjoy the ride.

Initial impressions

As mentioned, Lemon Drip hits the spot quickly, and the taste is accompanied by pleasant hints of lemon. Following a few hits of the Lemon Drip, you will be teleported into a world filled with fun, contentment and intrigue. Thus, this fast-acting strain is ideal to combat post work heaviness or the blues associated with general life struggle. You will be awakened from your sleepy, negative state and smacked with a dose of euphoria, energy, and increased perspective.

The after effects

The impact of Lemon Drip is telling, and you would be wise to enjoy the mighty drip in moderation. Moreover, if you get the dosage levels right, you will enjoy the true benefits of Lemon Drip. This is an uplifting sativa high, which empowers you with full control and clarity in your decision making. Whether you want to go and have a beer with your friends, do 100 push-ups or take a walk in the park, Lemon Drip lends itself to socialising, exercising, or engaging with the great outdoors. What is more, this strain will increase your precision and accuracy with what you’re saying, or doing, and in that sense, is a solid performance enhancer.

Speaking of the senses, they will be alive with fervour, as you savour each bite of that prosciutto pizza, and enjoy the pleasure of seeing life’s beauty through the Lemon Drip lens.

Benefits of the strain

Lemon Drip emerges from the award-winning Lemon Tree lineage, and thus, its therapeutic benefits are proven.

Thisprotégé strain inspires high levels of brain activity, and delivers a sublime dopamine hit leaving you feeling like you’ve drunk a magical elixir. Therefore, Lemon Drip should be used to enjoy great bonding moments with close friends or lovers, and can deliver the perfect counter-punch to a bad day. In fact, you can reverse your dark mood or depression with Lemon Drip, primarily because this is a quality strain, from proven genetics, which comes with the perfect storm of elements required to combat life’s lows. Additionally, you can experience a burst in productivity with this strain, which lends itself to various activities and will enhance your creativity.


Lemon Drip’s buds are delightfully dense, with a blanket of brilliant trichomes making this a visually appealing strain. Furthermore, the buds break off with simplicity, and your nose will be greeted by citrus-inspired aromas, filtering from inside the bud’s inner crevices. With each segmented bud packed with substance, you will be smiling like a Cheshire cat when you get your hands on Lemon Drip.

Lemon Drip in Thailand

Our Lemon Drip is available to buy in the following stores:

Marleys Bar And Cafe, 440, 6 Thong Lo, Bangkok

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